A road chamber on Blue road opposite The Greenrooms apartment block, is in need of repair and to do this safely we unfortunately have to put in place a road closure for five days. The closure comes into effect just after the multistorey car park entrance (see image below) Access and egress will be always maintained to the multistorey car park and the main MediaCity estate.
A 4-way traffic light system will be in operation to allow for traffic to enter and exit the site from Broadway via the junction at White Road. The one-way system will be partially suspended for the duration of the works to maintain access to site.
There will be traffic management operatives present to monitor flow on each day and should they need to they can override the signals to alleviate any congestion. Our parking contractor will also be on site to direct traffic and maintain access. This is a similar traffic management plan to the one successfully carried out a few years ago. However, this closure is anticipated to last the five-day duration.
We apologise in advance for unavoidable delays and any inconvenience caused by these essential maintenance works. Please consider making extra time for your journey into MediaCity during this period.