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Flock and Gaggle


Flock and Gaggle, F12C, Quayside, The Quays
M50 3AH

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About us

Flock & gaggle is a female founded small business run by local artist fernandes makes. We are an independent gift shop and workshop venue offering creative classes for adults, activities for children and sessions supporting other small businesses.

You can shop over 35 independent makers, artists and creatives from Salford, Manchester and beyond in our Quayside MediaCityUK store

Our shop name comes from our love for the surrounding wildlife in the Quays, especially the Geese that have made MediaCityUK their home, 'flock' meaning birds together in the sky and 'gaggle' referring to birds together on the ground, the name comes from togetherness and being a community

We are here to support artists, create artists and encourage future artists.

We are proudly supported by Quayside, Salford Loading and Islington Mill's WEAVE.