We at Peel Media own and manage MediaCity.
We are a small team, so we don’t have a large number of staff positions and those that we do have, will be advertised on this web page.
There are over 250 businesses based at MediaCityUK, all of whom you can find in our occupiers’ directory. When asked, we will share their job opportunities via our Twitter feed – so keep your eyes peeled.

MediaCityUK useful job links
BBC / dock10 / ITV / SIS / Lowry Outlet
External support
Skillset Careers is the specialist careers information, advice and guidance service for the UK’s creative media industries.
The Tech Partnership is a not-for-profit, employer-led organisation, licensed by government as the Sector Skills Council for business and information technology.
The Careers Advice Service offers advice on careers and learning.
dock 10
dock10 is one of Europe’s leading digital media service providers. Operating at the heart of MediaCityUK in Manchester, our clients have access to HD TV studios, digital post-production, cloud media management services and advanced connectivity options.