In our recent blog on apprenticeships and work placements, we discussed the mutual benefits of your business engaging with a work-based opportunities as well as some of the considerations your business would need to think about. We can now explore further how you can get involved with one of these opportunities, what are the natural next steps and where you can get support to help facilitate the opportunity.
Between January and March 2024, we are delivering a series of events to raise awareness of the benefits and considerations businesses need to think about when providing apprenticeship and work placement opportunities. These events aim to support you on that journey, connect you with local organisations and allow you to hear first-hand from existing businesses about their experiences.
Sustainability and Social Value Network (SSVN) Meeting
At the SVVN meeting we’ll hear from our members on all the great initiatives that are going on across the MediaCity estate and the wider Salford area that aim to enhance the environment and deliver value to the local community.
When: Wednesday 24th January
Time: 1:30pm – 3pm
Where: Room 3.10/3.11, University of Salford (MediaCity campus)
Webinar: Fostering Inclusivity – Disability Awareness Training
Pure Innovations’ passionate Employment Officer, Debbie, will guide you through the essential steps to transform your workplace into a more inclusive and understanding environment. Gain valuable insights into the unique strengths and capabilities that individuals with disabilities bring to the table. Key topics include; Understanding Different Disabilities, Making Inclusivity Work and Reasonable Adjustments.
Who Should Attend?
Employers, HR professionals, and anyone committed to creating a workplace that celebrates diversity and promotes equal opportunities.
When: Tuesday 27th February
Time: 1pm-2:30pm
Where: Online
MediaCity Careers Week Conference
Join us at Hot House MediaCity to explore various talks, workshops and stalls from businesses across MediaCity and Salford, to learn more about the value of work placements and apprenticeships for your business.
You can expect to explore topics such as: Recruitment and Talent, Mentoring and Managing work placements and what the next generation want out of a business and/or apprenticeship.
There will be plenty of time for networking and various stalls with useful resources to take away to support you on your journey to provide, or take part in meaningful work placements.
When: Thursday 7th March 2024
Time: 10am – 3pm
Where: Hot House, MediaCity
For more information, or if you would like to be involved in the event, please email:

For every £1 invested in apprentices, the UK economy is boosted by £28, making them a great investment for the future of your own business as well as supporting economic growth.
Getting started
Making work experience work: tips for employers
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) have produced this handy resource, with advice for employers on making work experience work, highlighting good recruitment practices and providing information on feedback during placements.
The ins and outs of paid work experience, for employers have put together an employer-specific guide to paid work experiences and what it means for a business. This article gives businesses the information on the different types of work experience, and the appropriate actions to take for each, as well as how to remunerate these types of workers.
Young people at work; a health and safety assessment
The government Health and Safety Executive offers an overview on the employer obligations to ensuring proper regulations are followed during placements. From risk assessments to insurance, this article covers every step.
The Apprenticeship Levy
Large employers can use a ring-fenced pot of money called the Apprenticeship Levy to pay for apprenticeship training. For small businesses, the training costs are usually completely covered, either by the government or by a larger employer with funding to share. The GM Levy Matchmaking Service can help SMEs find funding to pay for 100% of their apprenticeship training costs.
Becoming a government-accredited placement host
This is the most official route, allowing you access to a wide range of support and resources throughout the process. Work experience through Jobcentre Plus will enable young, unemployed people (or other age groups) to volunteer for placements lasting between 2 and 8 weeks, or longer (up to 3 months) for some young people.

Mutually beneficial relationships
In any apprenticeship, work placement or internship, having a driven and enthusiastic early career starter join your business can be a rewarding experience for all parties involved. Whilst it is normal to feel apprehensive about taking on an apprentice, there are many benefits to hosting apprenticeships that will help you elevate your business as well as being a stepping stone within a person’s professional journey. What’s more, there are ample resources and support available to businesses to ensure that apprenticeships and placement opportunities are a success for all involved.
What opportunity would I be suited for?
A paid job where the employee learns and gains valuable experience. Apprentices must be 16 years old, and complete both on-the-job training as well as training outside of work hours. This usually leads to a nationally recognised qualification.
Work Experience
Refers to a specified time period a person spends with your business, learning directly about working life and the working environment. This can range from hands-on experience to more observational experiences.
A period of work experience lasting for a fixed period of time and is usually undertaken to gain or expand on relevant skills. Whether this is a paid opportunity or not is dependent on the type of internship and business offering the opportunity.
Work Placement
A work placement is an element of some degrees where a student takes one year out of their studies to take part in some form of work or industry experience. These are usually completed during term time and would consist of a full-time work placement.
For many businesses, taking on an apprentice is a new and exciting, but daunting proposition. You may find yourself wondering how to manage an apprentice or early career starter to ensure that the experience is rewarding and meaningful for both your business and more importantly for the apprentice. Here are useful resources, guidance, and top tips on how you can manage an apprentice and most importantly ensure there is value for all parties.
- TWS Apprenticeships have a host of resources and guides on managing apprenticeships
- Indeed have launched an array of guidance on managing apprenticeships
- Learning and Work Institute have designed an apprentice support guide
- Apprenticeships have released a guide on supporting young apprentices for employers
- The UK Social Mobility Commission has a guide on getting the most from apprenticeships